Together, we can

Strengthen Black Families and Communities!

Black Bourgeois Revolution!

With the resounding defeat of ‘Killa Kam’ Harris and the weakening grip of the Democratic Party on Black political culture, a new day is dawning!



Generations into the future will call this time we are living in, the cultural, economic, and political awakening of the Black Bourgeois working & middle classes in the 21st Century. Our values and what we are about are easy to comprehend!


While we may not all be Christians, our sister faiths Judaism and Islam, share many of the same basic foundational scripture and principles. African Americans are a minority, and as such, we have no time for divisions based on unnecessary religious competitions that are detrimental to our overall unity. In addition, there are many African Americans of varying world faiths and practices, and we should focus on what we agree on, rather than what we differ.


Similarly, nearly all faith traditions enjoin the family, and traditional notions of the importance of family and extended family in not only carrying on faith traditions, but economic, social, professional and academic activities for individuals within the family of every generation. Let us not forget, the family was the original Adoption Agency, the original UBER, the original Small Business Loan Association, the original day care, and the list goes on and on. Thus, the family in any people’s life is of primary concern and importance to any SANE aggregate of people.


In addition to valuing and stressing the role of God and Family, Black culture must be intentional about strengthening the academic lives of our children in whatever schools and communities they reside public or private. We must value education and high musical or artistic skill just as much as we value the Black boy athlete that in high school gets feted and fawned over by the media because he is being recruited by a Division I University Sports team. The Black kid that knows 3 languages fluently and can play John Coltrane’s Giant Steps on the saxophone should be fawned over just like the NCAA prospect.

Commerce & Industry

Sons and Daughters of Ham, when we rely on our faith traditions, rely on our families, and rely on the knowledge and professional experience that we have worked hard to cultivate, that very process leads to the creation and development of commercial and industrial applications. African America must view this process and cycle as not only important, but of necessity if we are going to develop ourselves in such a way as to not be depending on the government, reparations, White mainstream affirmation, or a seat at ‘their’ tables. By this means we will establish ourselves competitively, not just with our fellow White mainstream American citizens, whom we in no wise resent, but on a global level, worthy of a global people. There is nothing inherently contradictory about a ‘Great and Powerful mainstream America’, and a Great Powerful African America in the world.

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.

Members Nationwide!
We are trying to raise in Membership funding Internationally!
Black Families and children we are in a position to help educate and support!
Of love distributed to Black men, women, and children all across the planet via the internet!

Visit us at the Store and find something to purchase!